4.9/5 Rated by top DTC brands

Increase Revenue, Not Clicks

Full Business CRO Approach To Boost Your Profit Margins & increase bottom line revenue for 7-9 Figure Brands.

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  • 35+

    DTC Websites Developed

  • 40+

    Brands Partnered With in 2023

  • £100M+

    Managed by our Shopify Stores

  • Book a consultation Call

    Jump on a call and find out about your situation, where you are as a business and if we are the right fit for you

  • Onboard & quick Wins

    Once you onboard with us, we will get access to all data & store analytics, get on our onboarding call, find our quick wins, and get a test up and running within 72 hours

  • Watch your revenue Grow

    While our first or second test is running we audit your brand - we implement the post purchase surveys, review mining and deliver an audit within 2-3 weeks. This sets up our next branch of tests going forward...

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4.9/5 Rated by top brands

Money spent on ads, testing creatives, copy and targeting

Low CVR & RPV = Losing money
Why are you not testing where these people go to buy your products?

Who Is CRO for & Where Does it Fit Into a Brand.

You’re nailing creatives, ads, and emails, but where’s all that traffic landing? You're optimising for the click, but not optimising for the sale.

Enter PM Digital. We audit your entire funnel, find the gaps, and deliver exactly what your customers need to convert with our CRO package.

Every visitor should feel like you’re speaking directly to them, solving their pain points effortlessly.

Your product is the solution, how we market it is the difference...

Fix It Now. Choose Our CRO Package

Fix It Now.
Choose Our CRO Package

  • No Long-Term Contracts, Just a minimum 90-Day Commitment on monthly rolling contracts.
  • Full business approach To CRO To Boost Profit Margins & increase bottom line revenue through testing with the most important things as a priority
  • Increasing revenue and profits - not just CVR.
  • CVR of your website is the global conversion rate. this is affected by too many variables - you must test to understand what is really increasing your CVR & RPS...
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4.9/5 Rated by top brands

Choose what works for you

We have a plan that fits your needs through our CRO & Shopify Services.

Landing Pages


20% off on 2 or more

Design and development in 7 days

Designed in Figma

Developed in Replo or Shopify directly (extra)

2 iterations per section

Easy process, buy, then automated onboarding with your own slack channel

Custom designed for your brand and offer

Designed by CRO experts

CRO Split Testing Ongoing


Per Month

Minimum 90 days (not held by contract)

Holistic Approach To Boost Profit Margins & increase bottom line revenue.

Increasing revenue and profits - not just CVR.

Split testing copy, offers, pricing & UX

3-6 tests per month (brand dependent)

One landing page in month 1

Split testing landing pages and fixing low hanging fruit

CRO Audit
Get Your Brands Audit

Delivered in 2 weeks

Our Proven CRO Process

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Communication channels and access received
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Test up and running to move the needle for your brand
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Landing page created and delivered in 7 Days
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2 Week delivery of in-depth audit gives us our next tests
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Deliver the audit
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Begin second phase of implementation of testing
Communication channels and access received
Test up and running to move the needle for your brand within the first 72-96 hours
Landing page created and delivered in 7 Days
2-3 Week delivery of in-depth audit gives us our next tests
Deliver the audit with our next phase of tests in prioritisation
Begin second phase of implementation of testing

Positive Results from A/B Tests

But wait... We actually get statistical significance and increase profits which is our main aim. CVR is a vanity metric.

+31% revenue increases - €13,000 extra monthly revenue generated

From two winning tests in 60 days we were able to increase Shield Wallets revenue, profits and CVR generating over 13k in extra revenue from already visiting traffic. Over €150,000 annually with two individual tests. Statistical signifiance gained on both. Research, hypothesis, test

$40,000+ Revenue Per Month added with two split tests.

After multiple losing tests, and tons of research we were able to get a winner with our proven framework. We went in-depth to understand the customers and what they wanted. After using Heatmap.com and many of our other research tools we spotted a gap in the funnel, product page and optimised this to gain a winning test.

25% Increase in CVR with one test for Motorcycle Helmet BrandHedon.

Hedon had a higher price point making our strategy slightly different compared to usual brands. No strategy is ever the same but, after using post purchase surveys we discovered a huge issue with size guides. For apparel type of brands this is a huge area to focus on. Improving this led to a huge increase in revenue and CVR lifts.

Why choose PM digital over the old traditional agencies

All a bespoke CRO & Shopify Agency providing the best services to your brand that you will ever receive. No more poor communication and taking weeks to complete tasks or slow testing processes - we deliver a minimum of 2-4 tests per month

The Difference. Other Agencies
Delivering a bespoke audit and plan focused on how we can increase your bottomline revenue & profit margins
In-Depth Audit of your website and data to give us our testing after 2 weeks of research
Custom designs specific to your brand. High performing UX/UI.
Daily support and communication on slack & a database system to manage tasks that you require us to complete
Shopify in-house developers if needed to implement winning tests and changes across the site
Quantitative and qualitative analysis along with our own bespoke ways of researching to gain key information on your customer avatar
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4.9/5 ★★★★★ Rated by top brands

ROI Calculator For Conversion
Rate Optimization


A/B Test Impact

A single successfully a/b test can add up to $2,10,000 annually

This calculator is a tool and does not guarantee any results

Get Started

Don’t take it from us - here from DTC leading brand founders on our services

Authentic Feedback from Satisfied Clients

4.9/5 Rated by top brands

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to your queries here

What makes PM Digital different from other CRO agencies?

We offer a bespoke approach to CRO, focusing on the right levers to pull for your brand specifically. Most agencies don’t show the Statistical significance of tests, without this anyone can pretend to create winners. Our team combines technical expertise with creative insights to deliver exceptional results. We pride ourselves on our transparency, communication, and dedication to our clients' success.

How long does it take to see results from CRO?

The timeline for seeing results can vary based on the complexity of your site and the scope of the optimization efforts. However, many clients begin to see improvements within a 3-8 weeks of us coming onboard - we recommend you allow us atleast 90 days before making any decisions.

How do you measure the success of CRO Tests?

CRO helps maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts by converting more of your existing traffic into customers. This leads to higher revenue without the need to increase your advertising spend.

Can you guarantee results from CRO?

While we cannot guarantee specific results due to the varying nature of brands and all of the things that can go wrong outside of our control, we are confident in our proven methodologies and track record of delivering significant improvements for our clients (check them out above for yourself).

Do I need a lot of traffic for CRO to be effective?

While having a substantial amount of traffic can accelerate the testing and optimization process, CRO can still be highly effective for websites with moderate traffic. We only work with brands with 60,000+ visitors per month.

How do I get started with PM Digital's CRO services?

Getting started is easy. Simply book a consultation call with Paddy to discuss your business needs and goals. We'll conduct an initial audit on the call to see where you are as a brand, if you fit above our 60,000 minimum monthly sessions threshold then we will consider working together if we can drive results.

Speak to Us - 30 Minute Discovery Call

Interested? Let’s have a chat about your business and see if we can provide a service to match your goals and objectives. Shopify Development, CRO or Shopify Websites - bespoke packages for every brand